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  • Whitepaper

    May 11, 2020
    Like all major employers, insurance companies are dealing with operational and workforce disruptions, as millions of their employees – adjusters, actuaries, underwriters, and risk and loss control managers, as well as analysts, as examples – adapt to a remote work environment. The industry’s policyholder surplus, invested funds set aside by insurers to pay claims, is under pressure as asset…
  • Newsletter

    March 15, 2022
    Data proliferation and data privacy regulatory activity across the globe have created the need for focused boardroom discussions. While cybersecurity continues to be an issue for boards, a more targeted focus on data privacy is increasingly necessary to ensure compliance across a rapidly expanding number of privacy regulations. Privacy risk represents a unique challenge driven by the volume and…
  • Flash Report

    October 31, 2018
    In data 19 settembre 2018 il tanto atteso decreto legislativo di adeguamento alle disposizioni del Regolamento Europeo in materia di protezione dei dati personali “General Data Protection Regulation” (di seguito “GDPR” o “Regolamento”) è entrato ufficialmente in vigore (D. Lgs. 101/2018), essendo decorso il termine ordinario di vacatio legis dalla sua pubblicazione in Gazzetta Ufficiale. In tal…
  • Blogs

    April 28, 2022
    Several Key Policies Take Effect March 31, 2022 On March 29, 2021, the Bank of England (BoE), the Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA) and the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) issued a series of policy statements to both refine and finalise their approach to operational resilience for financial services firms. Almost concurrent with the release of the policy statements, the Basel Committee on…
  • Video

    June 22, 2020
    Check out Protiviti's Business Resilience tool. This complimentary assessment tool helps business leaders quickly identify and prioritise their organisation’s unique pain points, threats and vulnerabilities across their core functions, and then creates an agile operating model. Create your own triage heatmap of priorities and receive a recommended suite of practical tools and processes to best…
  • Whitepaper

    December 2, 2021
    First there were layaways. Conjured during the Great Depression when people were struggling to make ends meet, layaways allowed people to buy big-ticket items and pay in installments before walking away with their product. Layaways were especially popular around the holidays when many people reserved all their gifts in advance and started saving for them through a layaway programme. Then came the…
  • Podcast

    September 1, 2021
    Like organisations in virtually every industry today, utilities are addressing a number of critical challenges and trends in the market, from infrastructure demands, to calls to improve the customer experience, to talent demands, and much more. How will the future for utilities evolve? In this informative podcast, Peter Tumminello and Claire Gotham offer a number of interesting insights into…
  • Podcast

    September 21, 2022
    Are you interested in becoming a quantum coder? The job market looks as large as the machines are cold. We’re all struggling in the quantum computing industry to find talent. Do you have what it takes? You may even be able to get started with less experience than you think. Join host Konstantinos Karagiannis for a chat about the path to this exciting career with Peter Noell from ColdQuanta. …
  • Newsletter

    June 26, 2020
    Lo scenario post Covid-19 richiede un’accelerazione. Per molte imprese si tratterà di riprendere un percorso avviato, ma con minori risorse, almeno nel breve. Protiviti ha sviluppato uno strumento che, incrociando valore e rischio di ogni progetto in pipeline, permette di decidere che cosa fare. In sicurezza.
  • Whitepaper

    July 20, 2021
    La Commissione Europea ha da poco pubblicato una proposta per regolamentare l’uso dei sistemi d’Intelligenza Artificiale (IA) La Commissione Europea ha da poco pubblicato una proposta per regolamentare l’uso dei sistemi d’Intelligenza Artificiale (IA). I tempi di approvazione e applicazione non sono ancora certi ma, intanto, la bozza ha generato numerose domande sull’applicazione e l’impatto che…