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  • Podcast Transcript

    December 19, 2022
    A fast-growing ESG topic in boardrooms and C-suites is ESG traceability – achieving transparency into the complete supply chain of goods and services. Organisations – and more importantly, their customers and clients – are seeking more transparent, secure and responsible supply chains. This is about far more than one supplier or manufacturer meeting the organisation’s ESG standards. It’s about…
  • Infographic

    February 24, 2023
    Technology, media and telecommunications (TMT) companies are adjusting for more economic headwinds in 2023, and are particularly focused on people management challenges, according to results from the latest Protiviti-NC State global top risk survey. Download Infographic
  • Podcast

    February 22, 2023
    As NISQ-era quantum computing improves, we’re on the cusp of practical advantage within a couple of years. But some companies want to see impressive performance today. That’s where quantum-inspired solutions can provide up to triple the power, all on classical hardware. Learning quantum-inspired programming could even help coders migrate to real quantum computers in the future. Could these…
  • Infographic

    February 28, 2023
    Across many retail and consumer goods categories, companies are contending with talent shortages that have increased labor costs, product availability challenges, difficulty sustaining customer loyalty and retention, and pressure to implement sustainability practices. According to results from the latest Protiviti-NC State global top risk survey, these are among the key issues being discussed in…
  • Whitepaper

    March 6, 2023
    La fin d’année 2023 marquera le 7ème anniversaire de la publication de la Loi Sapin 2. Depuis nos premiers échanges de l’été 2016 avec nos clients, beaucoup a été dit et écrit sur la cartographie des risques de corruption. Il nous a ainsi semblé légitime de nous demander si l’année 2023 marquerait l’âge de raison en la matière ?
  • Podcast

    January 11, 2023
    We’ve talked about how quantum computers are enabling extraordinary use cases now, long before the machines will threaten cryptography. Some of these applications can even help companies protect against immediate security threats and vulnerabilities. We explore one such exciting experiment: Using quantum to stop kill chains that allow network exploitation and the Chinese paper causing all the…
  • Podcast

    January 11, 2023
    The greatest IT audit concerns lie with cybersecurity-related breaches and related risk issues. Data governance and data integrity are being scrutinised. Regulatory compliance burdens and risk are increasing rapidly.These are among the key takeaways from the results of the latest IT Audit Technology Risks Survey from ISACA and Protiviti, in which more than 7,500 IT audit leaders and professionals…
  • Whitepaper

    June 30, 2021
    Alban Clot, Managing Director chez Supervizor et Arnaud Floquet, Managing Director au sein du cabinet Protiviti vous propose leur vision croisée sur les dernières réglementations anticorruption, les évolutions du contrôle comptable ainsi que sur les recommandations de l'AFA.
  • Whitepaper

    October 26, 2021
    Le sujet de la fraude et de la corruption revient régulièrement dans les priorités à intégrer au sein des plans d’audit selon notre étude internationale « IA Capabilities and needs survey » conduite chaque année auprès des Directeurs d’Audit Interne. Pour la France, les exigences de loi Sapin 2 viennent renforcer cet enjeu opérationnel par une obligation règlementaire.
  • Whitepaper

    November 24, 2021
    Protiviti, acteur international dans le domaine de la conformité Protiviti accompagne au niveau international les Directions de Conformité & de Sécurité Financière dans leurs opérations quotidiennes et dans leurs enjeux de transformation. Nos équipes dédiées interviennent sur les différents domaines : KYC / CDD et onboarding client, Transactions atypiques LCB-FT et préparation des…